Aureolin Hue

Aureolin Hue
Aureolin is a relatively neutral primary yellow that is useful for colour mixing and glazing applications in watercolour. This is a colour that is particularly valued for its transparency and is often used to give the impression of a warm glow within floral and landscape paintings. Aureolin is a bright, dandelion yellow that is more transparent and slightly more granular than Hansa Yellow.
Artist Notes: The clean and transparent nature of Aureolin makes it wonderful for glazing.
Paint Maker’s Notes: Aureolin was discovered in the 1830s, but wasn’t widely used until the 1850s when it became immensely popular among watercolour artists because of its transparent nature. Aureolin is also known as Cobalt Yellow.
Transparency: Transparent
Staining: Non-Staining
Granularity: Semi-Granular
Pigment Number: PY 40
Pigment Type: Synthetic Inorganic
Pigment Composition: Potassium cobalt nitrite
Lightfastness: II - Very Good
Toxicity: Non toxic with appropriate use.
Available in the following Stoneground palettes: Brittney Tough Palette.