Raw Sienna Warm Shade

Raw Sienna Warm Shade
Raw Sienna is among the most useful colours in an artist's palette as it produces warm foundation tints and is invaluable for landscape and portrait painting.
Artist Notes: Mix Raw Sienna into Phthalo Green to create more natural greens.
Paint Maker’s Notes: Along with Ochers and Umbers, Sienna pigments were first used in pre-history. Siennas take their name from the Renaissance city state of Siena, in modern day Italy.
Transparency: Semi-Transparent
Staining: Semi-Staining
Granularity: Semi-Granular
Pigment Number: PBr 7
Pigment Type: Synthetic Inorganic
Pigment Composition: Iron oxide hydroxide
Lightfastness: I - Excellent
Toxicity: Non Toxic
Available in the following Stoneground palettes: Large Earth Palette, Historic Palette.