
Dioxazine Purple

Dioxazine Purple


Significantly darker than Manganese Violet, Dioxazine Purple is a deep, rich violet-blue that is perfect for capturing everything from almost black shadows to pale lavender blossoms.

Artist’s Notes: A little bit of this colour can go a long way, however it is an excellent mixing colour, and creates beautiful lavender washes when used dilutely.

Paint Maker’s Notes: Dioxazine Purple is also known as Carbazole Violet

Transparency: Opaque

Staining: Staining

Granularity: Semi-Granular

Pigment Number: PV 23

Pigment Type: Synthetic Organic

Pigment Composition: Carbazol dioxazine

Lightfastness: III - Good

Toxicity: Non Toxic

Available in the following Stoneground palettes: Warm Botanical Palette, Large Botanical Palette, Summer Palette, Brittney Tough Palette.

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