



A deep wine red, Bordeaux is useful in portrait, landscape, and botanical painting. Less intense than Quinacridone Magenta, and more opaque as well, Bordeaux is an excellent mixing colour.

Artist Notes: Combine Ultramarine Blue and Bordeaux to create a colour perfect for capturing spring lilacs or add a touch of Hansa Yellow for brilliant autumnal oranges.

Paint Maker’s Notes: Naphthol pigments were introduced in the 1960s, and provide artists with a range of hues from yellows, through oranges, reds, and maroons.

Transparency: Semi-Transparent

Staining: Semi-Staining

Granularity: Semi-Granular

Pigment Number: PR 12

Pigment Type: Synthetic Organic

Pigment Composition: Naphthol Red AS-D

Lightfastness: III – Good

Toxicity: Non Toxic

Available in the following Stoneground palettes: Large Landscape Palette.

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