Pistachio ~ Gouache

Pistachio ~ Gouache
A cool minty green, Pistachio is a wonderful choice for botanical, landscape, and illustration work. Pistachio works well on black or toned papers and is excellent for adding highlights.
Artists Notes: Pistachio is a more yellow leaning green than Aurora Green and Glacier Lake, which lean to the blue side of the colour wheel. When added to Hansa Yellow Light, Pistachio creates the bright citrus greens.
Opacity: Semi-Opaque
Paint Makers Notes: Pistachio is a combination of Phthalo Green Yellow Shade (PG 36) and Titanium White (PW 6)
Pigment Number: PG 36 + PW 6
Pigment Type: Synthetic Organic and Synthetic Inorganic
Pigment Composition: Bromated copper phthalocyanine, and titanium dioxide
Lightfastness: Not Rated
Toxicity: Non-Toxic