
Nickel Titanium Yellow ~ Gouache

Nickel Titanium Yellow ~ Gouache


This cool yellow is the perfect hue for capturing spring botanicals or for use in landscape paintings. Nickel Titanium Yellow is less intense than Hansa Yellow Light.

Artist Notes:  Combined with Burnt Sienna Crimson, Nickel Titanium Yellow creates a beautiful warm yellow reminiscent of Naples Yellow. Mixing well with other colours, Nickel Titanium Yellow is valuable for creating interesting and pretty greens when combined with Cobalt Aquamarine or Peacock Blue.

Opacity:  Opaque

Paint Maker’s Notes:  Nickel Titanium Yellow is considered the cleanest and brightest inorganic pigment and was just one of several mineral pigments developed for durability during the 1960s.

Pigment Number:  PY 53

Pigment Type:  Synthetic Inorganic

Pigment Composition:  Nickel antimony titanate

Lightfastness:  Not Rated

Toxicity:  Non Toxic





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