Green Gold ~ Gouache

Green Gold ~ Gouache
Green Gold is a vibrant green-gold that is a must have for anyone who enjoys landscape and botanical subject matter. Green Gold is brighter than Olive Green and has a warm golden undertone.
Artist Notes: Use Green Gold full strength or diluted to capture a variety of hues ranging from a deep opaque olive to a dull gold with a green undertone.
Opacity: Semi-Opaque
Paint Makers Notes: Green Gold is a combination of Hansa Yellow Light (PY 3), Golden Ochre (PY 43), and Ultramarine Blue (PB 29)
Pigment Number: PY 3 + PY 43 + PB 29
Pigment Type: Synthetic Organic + Natural Inorganic + Synthetic Inorganic
Pigment Composition: Arylide yellow + Iron oxide hydroxide + Complex silicate of sodium and aluminum with sulfur
Lightfastness: Not Rated
Toxicity: Non Toxic