Burnt Sienna Crimson ~ Gouache

Burnt Sienna Crimson ~ Gouache
A beautiful warm, dark earth, Burnt Sienna Crimson Shade is an indispensable earth colour that is useful in a wide variety of subject matter. The crimson undertone in this pigment is wonderful for autumn foliage and grasses and is a favourite of many artists for use in landscapes.
Artists Notes: Combine Burnt Sienna Crimson and Ultramarine Blue for interesting darks useful for shadows. For a stunning vintage vibe, try a monochromatic painting with this beautiful warm earth colour.
Opacity: Semi-Opaque
Paint Makers Notes: The term Burnt Sienna is used to describe Raw Sienna pigments after they have been roasted (or calcined). This process changes the colours of Raw Sienna to the rusty red, orange, and warm browns noted in Burnt Sienna pigments.
Pigment Number: PBr 7
Pigment Type: Synthetic Inorganic
Pigment Composition: Calcined natural iron oxide
Lightfastness: Not Rated
Toxicity: Non-Toxic